Romans 8:2-8

ECB(i) 2 For the torah of the Spirit of life in Messiah Yah Shua liberates me from the torah of sin and death. 3 For the torah, being incapable, - frail through the flesh, Elohim sending his own Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin; and for sin, condemned the sin in the flesh: 4 to fulfill/shalam the judgment of the torah in us, who walk not after flesh, but after Spirit. 5
For they being after flesh, think of the flesh; and they after Spirit, of the Spirit. 6 For the thought of the flesh, is death; but the thought of the spirit, life and shalom. 7 Because the thought of the flesh is enmity to Elohim: for it neither subjugates to the torah of Elohim nor indeed can. 8 So they who are in flesh, cannot please Elohim.