Romans 8:2-8

Great(i) 2 For the lawe of the sprete of lyfe thorow Iesus Christ, hath made me fre from the lawe of synne, and deeth. 3 For what the lawe could not do (in as moch as it was weake because of the flesshe) that performed God, and sent hys sonne in the similitude of synfull flesshe, 4 and by synne dampned synne in the flesshe: that the ryghtewesnes of the lawe, myght be fulfylled in vs, which walke not after the flesshe, but after the sprete. 5 For they that are carnall, are carnally mynded. But they that are spirytuall, are gostly mynded. 6 To be carnally mynded, is deeth. But to be spiritually mynded, is lyfe and peace. 7 Because that the flesshly mynde is enemyte agaynst God: for it is not obedyent to the lawe of God, nether can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesshe, cannot please God.