Romans 14:7-12

ECB(i) 7 For none of us lives to self and no one dies to self. 8 For whenever we live, we live to Adonay; and whenever we die, we die to Adonay: so whenever we live, whenever we die, we are to Adonay. 9 For to this end Messiah both died and rose and relived - to overlord the dead and living. 10
JUDGING AND JUSTNESS And you, why judge your brother? Or why belittle your brother? For we all stand by the bamah of the Messiah. 11 For it is scribed, As I live, Yah Veh words, every knee bows to me and every tongue avows to Elohim. Isaiah 45:23, Philippians 2:10, 12 12 So each of us gives word to Elohim concerning self.