Numbers 17

ECB(i) 1
And Yah Veh words to Mosheh, saying, 2 Word to the sons of Yisra El, that every one of them take a rod - a rod for the house of their father, of all their hierarchs for the house of their fathers, twelve rods: inscribe the name of every man on his rod: 3 and inscribe the name of Aharon on the rod of Levi: one rod for the head of the house of their fathers: 4 and set them in the tent of the congregation at the face of the witness where I meet with you. 5 And so be it, that the rod of the man whom I choose, blossoms: and I cease from me the murmurings of the sons of Yisra El whereby they murmur against you. 6 And Mosheh words to the sons of Yisra El and every one of their hierarchs to give him one rod per hierarch - one rod per hierarch for the houses of their fathers - twelve rods: and the rod of Aharon is among their rods. 7 And Mosheh sets the rods at the face of Yah Veh in the tent of witness. 8 And so be it, on the morrow Mosheh goes into the tent of witness; and behold, the rod of Aharon for the house of Levi blossoms forth blossoms and blossoms blossoms and yields almonds. 9 And Mosheh brings all the rods from the face of Yah Veh, to all the sons of Yisra El: and they see and every man takes his rod. 10 And Yah Veh says to Mosheh, Return the rod of Aharon at the face of the witness, to guard for a sign against the sons of rebellion; and finish off their murmurings from me, that they not die. 11 - and thus Mosheh works as Yah Veh misvahs him - thus he works. 12 And the sons of Yisra El say to Mosheh, saying, Behold! We expire! We destruct! We all destruct! 13 Whoever, in approaching, approaches the tabernacle of Yah Veh dies: We - consumed to expire?