Joel 2:17-20

ECB(i) 17 Have the priests, the ministers of Yah Veh, weep between the porch and the sacrifice altar; and have them say, Spare your people, O Yah Veh! And give not your inheritance to reproach so that the goyim reign over them! Why have them say among the people, Where is their Elohim? 18 And Yah Veh is jealous for his land and compassions his people: 19 yes, Yah Veh answers to his people, Behold, I send you crop and juice and oil and satisfy you therewith: and I add not to give you as a reproach among the goyim: 20 and I remove the northern far from you; and drive him into a land parched and desolate; with his face toward the east sea and his end toward the latter sea; and his stink ascends; and his stench ascends, because he greatens to work.