6 For Yah Veh called you as a woman forsaken and contorted in spirit, and a woman of youth when she is refused, says your Elohim.
7 For a small blink I forsook you; but with great mercies I gather you:
8 in an outburst of rage I hid my face from you for a blink; and in eternal mercy I mercy you, says Yah Veh your Redeemer.
9 For this is as the waters of Noach to me: in that I oathed that the waters of Noach pass no more over the earth; thus I oathed that I neither enrage over you nor rebuke you.
10 For the mountains depart and the hills topple; but neither my mercy departs from you, nor the covenant of my shalom topple, says Yah Veh who mercies you.