Isaiah 54:6-10

CLV(i) 6 For as a woman, forsaken and grieved in spirit, Yahweh called you, and as a wife of youth, that is being rejected,says Yahweh, your Elohim." 7 For a small moment I forsook you, yet with great compassions will I convene you." 8 In effervescent wrath I concealed My face a moment from you, yet with kindness eonian have I compassion on you,says your Redeemer, Yahweh." 9 For this is the waters of Noah to Me. As I swore off from passing the waters of Noah again over the earth, so I swore off from wrath over you further and from rebuking you." 10 For the mountains shall remove, and the hills shall slip, yet My kindness from you shall not remove, and the covenant of My welfare shall not slip, says your Compassionate One, Yahweh."