Hebrews 11:2-12:1

ECB(i) 2 For in this, the elders were witnessed to. 3 By trust we comprehend that the eons were prepared by the rhema of Elohim: in this: the seen became not from those manifested. 4 By trust Abel offered Elohim a much better sacrifice than Qayin; through which he witnessed to being just - Elohim witnessing of his gratuities: and through it, being dead, he still speaks. 5 By trust Hanoch was transplaced to not see death; and was not found; because Elohim transplaced him: for ere his transplacing he had this witness - that he well-pleased Elohim: 6 and apart from trust it is impossible to well-please: for whoever comes to Elohim must trust that he is: and that he comes a recompenser to them who seek him. 7 By trust Noach, being oracled concerning those still unseen, moved with reverence; prepared an ark to the salvation of his house; through which he condemned the cosmos and became heir of the justness by trust. 8 By trust Abraham, when called to go to a place he was about to take to an inheritance, obeyed; and he went, knowing not where he goes. 9 By trust he settled in the land of pre-evangelism, as in anothers, settling in tabernacles with Yischaq and Yaaqov - co-heirs of the same pre-evangelism: 10 for he awaited a city having foundations, whose artificer and public worker is Elohim. 11 By trust Sara also took dynamis to conceive sperma - and birthed when she was beyond the season of maturescence; since she deemed him who had pre-evangelized trustworthy. 12 So even of one and him as good as dead birthed a multitude exactly as the stars of the sky and innumerable as the sand by the sea shore. 13 These all died in trust not taking the pre-evangelisms; but seeing them afar: and were convinced and saluted and professed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14 For whoever words such manifest that they seek a fatherland. 15 And indeed, if they had remembered from whence they came, they had ever had season to return. 16 But now they reach for a better - that is, the heavenlies: so Elohim shames not to be called their Elohim: for he prepared them a city. 17 By trust when Abraham was tested, offered Yischaq - he who received the pre-evangelisms offered his only birthed son, 18 to whom it was spoken, In Yischaq your sperma is called: 19 reckoning that Elohim was able to raise - even from the dead; whence also he received him in a parable. 20 By trust Yischaq blessed Yaaqov and Esav concerning those to come. 21 By trust Yaaqov, dying, blessed each of the sons of Yoseph; and worshipped on the tip of his scion. 22 By trust Yoseph, dying, remembered concerning the exodus of the sons of Yisra El; and misvahed concerning his bones. 23 By trust Mosheh, being birthed, was secreted three months by his fathers, because they saw he was an urbane child; and they awed not by the ordinance of the sovereign. 24 By trust Mosheh, becoming mega, denied being worded the son of the daughter of Paroh; 25 choosing rather to co-suffer with the people of Elohim, than the temporal enjoyment of sin; 26 esteeming the reproach of the Messiah greater riches than the treasures in Misrayim: for he looked to the recompence. 27 By trust he forsook Misrayim; not awestricken by the fury of the sovereign: for he persevered - as seeing him who is invisible. 28 By trust he did the pasach and the pouring of blood, lest he who destroys the firstborn, finger them. 29 By trust they passed through the Reed sea as through dry: which the Misrayim took to test, and were swallowed. 30 By trust the walls of Jericho fell, after they were surrounded seven days. 31 By trust Rachab the whore co-destructed not with them who distrusted, when she received the spies with shalom. 32 And what word I still? for the time fails me to declare about Gidon and also Baraq and Shimshon and Yipthach; also David and Shemu El and the prophets 33 - who through trust: subdued sovereigndoms, worked justness, obtained pre-evangelisms, sealed the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the dynamis of fire, fled the edge of the sword, from frailty were empowered, became mighty in war, put down the encampments of others, 35 women took their dead by resurrection, and others were tortured - not receiving redemption to obtain a better resurrection, 36 and others took testings of mockings and scourgings - yes, still of bonds and guardhouses: 37 they were stoned, they were sawn apart, they were tested, deathified in murder by the sword, wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, falling behind - tribulated - vilified, 38 of whom the cosmos was not worthy: wandering in wildernesses and mountains and grottos and caverns of the earth. 39 And these all, witnessing through the trust, received not the pre-evangelism: 40 Elohim having previously provided somewhat better for us - that they not completed/shalamed apart from us. 12 1
So seeing we also are surrounded with so vast a cloud of witnesses, put away every weight and the well-standing sin: and through endurance, run the contest set in front of us: