And so be it, after these words, Elohim tests Abraham, and says to him, Abraham! And he says, Behold, - I. 2 And he says, Take now your son, your only Yischaq, whom you love; and go into the land of Mori Yah: and holocaust him there for a holocaust on one of the mountains I say. 3 And Abraham starts early in the morning and harnesses his he burro and takes two of his lads with him and Yischaq his son; and splits the timber for the holocaust and rises and goes to the place Elohim told him. 4 On the third day Abraham lifts his eyes and sees the place afar off: 5 and Abraham says to his lads, Sit here with the he burro; and I and the lad go thus and prostrate and return to you. 6 And Abraham takes the timber of the holocaust and sets it on Yischaq his son; and he takes the fire in his hand and a knife; and they go - the two of them together. 7 And Yischaq says to Abraham his father and says, My father! And he says, Here - I, my son. And he says, Behold the fire and the timber: but where is the lamb for a holocaust? 8 And Abraham says, My son, Elohim sees the lamb for a holocaust. So they go - the two of them together 9 and they come to the place Elohim told him; and Abraham builds a sacrifice altar there and arranges the timber and binds Yischaq his son and sets him on the sacrifice altar above the timber 10 - and Abraham spreads his hand and takes the knife to slaughter his son. 11 And the angel of Yah Veh calls to him from the heavens and says, Abraham! Abraham! And he says, Here - I. 12 And he says, Neither spread your hand on the lad, nor work aught to him: for at this time I know you awe Elohim, seeing you withhold not your son - your only from me.
And so be it, after these words, Elohim tests Abraham, and says to him, Abraham! And he says, Behold, - I. 2 And he says, Take now your son, your only Yischaq, whom you love; and go into the land of Mori Yah: and holocaust him there for a holocaust on one of the mountains I say. 3 And Abraham starts early in the morning and harnesses his he burro and takes two of his lads with him and Yischaq his son; and splits the timber for the holocaust and rises and goes to the place Elohim told him. 4 On the third day Abraham lifts his eyes and sees the place afar off: 5 and Abraham says to his lads, Sit here with the he burro; and I and the lad go thus and prostrate and return to you. 6 And Abraham takes the timber of the holocaust and sets it on Yischaq his son; and he takes the fire in his hand and a knife; and they go - the two of them together. 7 And Yischaq says to Abraham his father and says, My father! And he says, Here - I, my son. And he says, Behold the fire and the timber: but where is the lamb for a holocaust? 8 And Abraham says, My son, Elohim sees the lamb for a holocaust. So they go - the two of them together 9 and they come to the place Elohim told him; and Abraham builds a sacrifice altar there and arranges the timber and binds Yischaq his son and sets him on the sacrifice altar above the timber 10 - and Abraham spreads his hand and takes the knife to slaughter his son. 11 And the angel of Yah Veh calls to him from the heavens and says, Abraham! Abraham! And he says, Here - I. 12 And he says, Neither spread your hand on the lad, nor work aught to him: for at this time I know you awe Elohim, seeing you withhold not your son - your only from me.