2 and he says to them, I am a son of a hundred and twenty years this day; I can no more go and come: and Yah Veh said to me, You pass not over this Yarden.
3 Yah Veh your Elohim - he passes over at your face and he desolates these goyim from your face and you possess them: Yah Shua - he goes over at your face, as Yah Veh worded:
4 and Yah Veh works to them as he worked to Sichon and to Og sovereigns of the Emoriy and their land, whom he destroyed:
5 and Yah Veh gives them at your face, to work to them according to all the misvoth I misvahed you.
6 In strenthening, strengthen; neither awe them nor awe their face; for Yah Veh your Elohim - he goes with you; he neither lets you loose nor forsakes you.
7 And Mosheh calls to Yah Shua and says to him in the eyes of all Yisra El, In strenthening, strengthen: for you go with this people to the land Yah Veh oathed to give their fathers to inherit: