2 & sayd vnto them. I am an hundred & .xx. yeare thys day, & can no more go out & in. Also the Lorde hath sayd vnto me, thou shalt not go ouer thys Iordan.
3 The Lorde your God he wyll go ouer before the and he wyll destroye these nations before the, and thou shalt conquere them. And Iosua he shall go ouer before the as the Lord hath sayed.
4 And the Lorde shall go vnto them, as he dyd to Sehon & Og kynges of the Amorites, & vnto theyr landes whych kinges he destroyed
5 And when the Lorde hath deliuered them to the, se that ye do vnto theim accordyng vnto all the commaundementes which I haue commaunded you.
6 Plucke vp your hertes and be stronge, dread not, nor be afrayed of them: for the Lord thy God him selfe will go with the, & wil neither let the go nor forsake the.
7 And Moses called vnto Iosua and sayed vnto hym in the syghte of all Israell. Be stronge and bold, for thou must go with this people vnto the lande whych the Lord hath sworne vnto theyr fathers to giue them, and thou shalt gyue it them to enherett.