Acts 7:54-8:3

ECB(i) 54
They hear these and are cut to the heart; and they gnash on him with their teeth: 55 but being full of the Holy Spirit, he stares into the heavens and sees the glory of Elohim; and Yah Shua standing at the right of Elohim, 56 and says, Behold, I observe the heavens open, and the Son of humanity standing at the right of Elohim. 57 And they cry out with a mega voice and hold their ears, and run violently upon him in unanimity, 58 and cast him from the city, and stone him: and the witnesses put down their garments at the feet of a youth called Shaul: 59 and they stone Stephanos: calling on Elohim, wording, Adonay Yah Shua, receive my spirit. 60 And he places his knees and cries with a mega voice, Adonay, set not this sin to their charge. - and saying this, he falls asleep. 8 1 - and Shaul well-approves his taking out.
And so be it, in that day, a mega persecution on the ecclesia in Yeru Shalem; and they all thoroughly disperse throughout the regions of Yah Hudah and Shomeron - except the apostles. 2 And well-received men carry Stephanos and make a mega chopping over him. 3 As for Shaul, he ravages the ecclesia - entering every house, and dragging men and women and delivering them to the guardhouse.