30 So being a prophet and knowing that Elohim oathed an oath to him that, of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he raises the Messiah to sit on his throne:
31 foreseeing this, he speaks of the resurrection of the Messiah, that neither his soul is left in sheol/hades, nor his flesh sees corruption:
32 this Yah Shua Elohim raised whereof we all are witnesses.
33 So, being exalted at the right of Elohim, and having taken the pre-evangelism of the Holy Spirit from the Father, he poured this, which you now see and hear.
34 For David ascended not into the heavens: but he himself words, An oracle of Yah Veh to my Adonay, You, sit at my right
35 until I place your enemies the stool of your feet. Psalm 110:1
36 So all the house of Yisra El certainly knows that Elohim made the same Yah Shua - whom you staked both Adonay and Messiah.