Acts 23:33-24:3

ECB(i) 33 who, when they enter Kaisaria, and give the epistle to the governor, they also present Paulos in front of him. 34 And the governor reads, and he asks of what province he is. And when he asks, he says, Of Cilicia. 35 And he says, I hear you patiently when your accusers also come. - and he summons him to be guarded in the praetorium of Herod. 24 1
And after five days Hanan Yah the archpriest descends with the elders and with some orator named Tertullus who manifests to the governor against Paulos. 2 And when he is called, Tertullus begins to accuse him, wording, Seeing that through you we obtain vast shalom, and that by your provision very worthy deeds become this goyim, 3 we receive it every way and everywhere, most powerful Phelix, with all eucharist.