Acts 14:16-21

ECB(i) 16 who in departed generations, allowed all goyim to walk in their own ways: 17 though he left not himself unwitnessed, in that he did good; and gave us rain from the heavens and fruitful seasons; filling our hearts with nourishment and rejoicing. 18 - and wording these, difficultly they shabbathize the multitude to not sacrifice to them. 19
And some Yah Hudiym come from Antioch and Iconium, who convince the multitude; and they stone Paulos and drag him from the city, presuming he died: See: 2 Corinthians 12:1-3 20 and the disciples surround him; and he rises and enters the city: and on the morrow he departs with Bar Nabi to Derbe. 21 And they evangelize to that city and disciple many; and return to Lystra and Iconium and Antioch,