18 Namely, how thou hast set the in a slippery place, that thou maiest cast the downe headlynges & destroye the.
19 O how sodenly do they consume, perish, & come to a fearfull ende?
20 Yee euen like as a dreame when one awaketh, so makest thou their ymage to vanish out of the cite.
21 Thus my hert was greued, & it wente euen thorow my reynes.
22 So foolish was I and ignoraunt, and as it were a beest before the.
23 Neuerthelesse, I am allwaye by the, thou holdest me by my right hande.
24 Thou ledest me with thy coucel, and afterwarde receauest me vnto glory.
25 O what is there prepared for me in heauen? there is nothinge vpo earth, that I desyre in comparison of the.
26 My flesh and my herte fayleth, but God is the strength of my hert, and my porcion for euer.
27 For lo, they that forsake the, shal perishe, thou destroyest all them that committe fornicacion agaynst the.
28 But it is good for me, to holde me fast by God, to put my trust in the LORDE God, and to speake of all thy workes.