7 For they haue pryuely laied their nett to destroye me without a cause, yee and made a pitte for my soule, which I neuer deserued.
8 Let a sodane destruccio come vpon him vnawarres, and ye nett that he hath layed priuely, catch him self, that he maye fall in to his owne myschefe.
9 But let my soule be ioyfull in the LORDE, and reioyse in his helpe.
10 All my bones shal saie: LORDE, who is like vnto the? which delyuerest ye poore from those that are to stronge for him, yee the poore and the nedy from his robbers.
11 False witnesses are rysen vp, & laye to my charge thinges that I knowe not.
12 They rewarde me euell for good, to the greate discomforth of my soule.