Numbers 11:11-19

Coverdale(i) 11 And Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Why vexest thou thy seruaunte? And why fynde not I fauoure in yi sight, yt thou layest ye burthen of all this people vpo me? 12 Haue I the coceaued all this people, or begotten them, that thou shuldest saye vnto me: Cary them in thine armes (as a nurse beareth a childe) vnto the londe, that thou hast sworne vnto their fathers? 13 Where shal I get flesh, to geue all this people? They wepe before me, and saye: Geue vs flesh, that we maye eate. 14 I am not able to beare all this people alone, for it is to heuy for me. 15 And yf thou wylt deale thus wt me: O kyll me then, yf I haue founde fauoure in thy sight, that I se not my wrechednesse. 16 And the LORDE saide vnto Moses: Gather vnto me seuentye men amonge the Elders of Israel, whom thou knowest yt they are the Elders in ye people and officers ouer them, and brynge them before the Tabernacle of witnesse, and set them there with the: 17 then wil I come downe, and talke with the euen there, & take of thy sprete that is vpon the, and putt it vpon them, that they maye beare the burthen of the people with the, yt thou beare not all alone. 18 And vnto ye people thou shalt saye: Sactifye yor selues agaynst tomorow, yt ye maye eate flesh: for youre wepynge is come into the eares of the LORDE, ye that saye: Who shal geue vs flesh to eate? for we were well at ease in Egipte. Therfore shal the LORDE geue you flesh to eate, 19 not one daye, not two, not fyue, not ten, not twentye dayes longe,