Matthew 9:9-17

Coverdale(i) 9 And as Iesus passed forth from thence, he sawe a man syt a receyuinge of custome, named Mathew, & sayde vnto him: folowe me. 10 And he arose, and folowed him. And it came to passe as he sat at meate in the house: beholde, many publicans and synners came and sat downe also with Iesus and hys disciples. 11 When the Pharises sawe that, they sayde to hys disciples: why eateth youre master with publicans and synners? 12 When Iesus herde that, he sayde vnto them: The whole nede not ye phisicio, but they that are sicke. 13 Go and learne, what that meaneth: I haue pleasure in mercy, and not in offerynge. For I am not come to call the righteous, but ye synners to repentaunce, 14 Then came the disciples of Ihon to hym sayinge: why do we & ye Pharises fast so oft: and thy disciples fast not? 15 And Iesus sayde vnto the: Can the weddynge chyldre mourne as loge as the bridegrome is with them? The tyme will come, when the bridegrome shalbe taken from them, and the shall they fast. 16 No man peceth an olde garment with a pece of newe clothe. For then taketh he awaye the pece agayne from the garment, & the rent ys made greater. 17 Nether do men put new wyne in to olde vessels, for then the vessels breake, and the wyne runneth out, & ye vessels peryshe, But they poure newe wyne in to newe vessels, and so are both saued together,