30 (And the LORDE gaue it with ye kynge therof into the hande of Israel) and smote it and all the soules that were therin, with the edge of the swerde, and let not one remayne in it: and dyd vnto the kinge therof as he had done vnto the kynge of Iericho.
31 Afterwarde wente Iosua and all Israel with him from Lybna vnto Lachis, and layed sege vnto it, and fought agaynst it.
32 And the LORDE delyuered Lachis also in to the hande of Israel, so that they wanne it vpon the seconde daye, and smote it with ye edge of the swerde, and all the soules that were therin, acordinge to all as he had done vnto Lybna.
33 At the same tyme Horam ye kynge of Gazer wente vp, to helpe Lachis. But Iosua smote him with all his people, tyll there remayned not one.
34 And Iosua wente with all Israel from Lachis, vnto Eglon, and layed sege vnto it, and fought agaynst it,
35 and wanne it the same daye, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and damned all the soules that were therin the same daye, acordynge vnto all as he had done vnto Lachis.
36 After that wente Iosua with all Israel from Eglon vnto Hebron, and foughte agaynst it,
37 and wanne it, and smote it with ye edge of the swerde, and the kynge of it, and all the cities therof, and all the soules that were therin, and let not one remayne, acordynge vnto all as he had done vnto Eglon: and damned it, and all the soules that were therin.
38 Then turned Iosua agayne with all Israel towarde Debir, and fought agaynst it,
39 and wanne it, with the kinge of it, and all ye cities therof, and smote them with the edge of the swerde, and damned all ye soules that were therin, and let not one remayne ouer. Euen as he had done vnto Hebro and Lybna with their kynges, so dyd he also vnto Debir, and the kynge therof.
40 Thus Iosua smote all the londe vpon the mountaynes, and towarde the south, and in the lowe countrees, and by the ryuers, with all their kynges, and let not one remaine ouer and damned all that had breth, as the LORDE God of Israel had commaunded.
41 And Iosua smote them from Cades Bernea vnto Gaza, and all the londe of Gosen vnto Gibeon,
42 and toke all these kynges with their lode at one tyme: for the LORDE God of Israel foughte for Israel.