1 Beholde now therfore, this is my seruaunt whom I will kepe to my self: my electe, In whom my soule shalbe pacified. I will geue him my sprete, that he maye shewe forth iudgment & equyte amonge the Gentiles.
2 He shal not be an outcryer, ner an hie mynded person. His voyce shall not be herde in ye stretes.
3 A brussedrede shal he not breake, & the smokinge flax shal he not quench: but faithfully & truly shal he geue iudgmet.
4 He shal nether be ouersene ner haistie, that he maye restore rightuousnesse vnto the earth: & the Getiles also shal kepe his lawes.
5 For thus saieth God the LORDE vnto him (Euen he that made the heauens, and spred them abrode, & set forth the earth with hir encrease: which geueth breath vnto the people that is in it, & to them that dwel therin)
6 I the LORDE haue called ye in rightuousnesse, & led the by the honde. Therfore wil I also defende the, & geue the for a couenaunt of the people, & to be the light of the Getiles.
7 That thou mayest open the eyes of the blinde, let out the prysoners, & them that syt in darknesse, out of the dongeon house.
8 I my self, whose name is the LORDE, which geue my power to none other, nether myne honoure to the goddes:
9 shewe you these new tidinges, and tel you them or they come, for olde thinges also are come to passe.
10 Synge therfore vnto the LORDE, a new songe of thakes geuynge, blow out his prayse vnto the ende of the worlde. They that be vpon the see, & all that is therin, prayse him, the Iles & they that dwel in them.
11 Let the wildernes with hir cities lift vp hir voyce, the townes also that be in Cedar. Let them be glad that syt vpon rockes of stone, and let them crie downe from the hie mountaynes:
12 ascribinge almightynes vnto the LORDE, & magnifienge him amonge the Getiles.