Isaiah 14:9-20

Coverdale(i) 9 Hell also trembleth at thy commynge, All mightie men and prynces of the earth, steppe forth before the. All kynges of the earth stonde vp fro their seates, 10 that they maye all (one after another) synge and speake vnto the. Art thou wounded also as we? art thou become like vnto vs? 11 Thy pompe and thy pryde is gone downe to hell: Mothes shalbe layde vnder the, & wormes shalbe thy coueringe. 12 How art thou fallen from heauen (o Lucifer) thou faire mornige childe? hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, thou that (notwithstondinge) dyddest subdue the people? 13 And yet thou thoughtest in thine harte: I will clymme vp in to heauen, and make my seate aboue the starres of God, I wyll syt vpon the glorious mount toward the North, 14 I wyll clymme vp aboue the cloudes, & wilbe like the highest of all. 15 Yet darre I laye, yt thou shalt be brought downe to the depe of hell. 16 They that se the, shal narowly loke vpo the, and thinke in them selues, sayenge: Is this the man, that brought all londes in feare, and made ye kingdomes afrayde: 17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waist, & and layde the cities to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go home? 18 How happeneth it, that the kynges of all people lie, euery one at home in his owne palace, with worshipe, 19 and thou art cast out of thy graue like a wilde braunch: like as dead mens rayment that are shott thorow with the swerde: as they that go downe to the stones of the depe: as a dead coarse that is troden vnder fete: 20 and art not buried wt them? Euen because that thou hast waisted thy lode, and destroyed thy people. For the generacion of the wicked shalbe without honor, for euer.