2 And he sayde vnto his eldest seruaunt of his house, which had the rule of all his goodes: Laye thine hade vnder my thye, that
3 I maye make the sweare by ye LORDE the God of heauen and earth, that thou take no wife vnto my sonne amonge ye doughters of ye Cananites, (amonge whom I dwell)
4 but that thou go in to my countre? and to myne owne kynred, and brynge my sonne Isaac a wife.
5 The seruaunt sayde: What and the woman wyl not folowe me in to this countre? shal I then cary thy sonne agayne in to yonder londe, where thou camest out of?
6 Abraham sayde vnto him: Beware of that, that thou brynge not my sonne thither agayne.
7 The LORDE, the God of heauen, which toke me fro my fathers house and from the londe of my kynred, and that talked with me, and sware also vnto me, and sayde: Vnto yi sede wyll I geue this londe: Euen he shall sende his angell before the, that thou maiest brynge my sonne a wife from thence.
8 But yf the woman wyll not folowe the, thou art discharged of this ooth: onely brynge not my sonne thither agayne.
9 Then ye seruaunt layed his hade vnder his master Abrahams thye, and sware the same vnto him.
10 So the seruaunt toke ten Camels of the Camels of his master and departed, and had wt him of all maner of goodes of his master, and gat him vp, and departed vnto Mesopotamia, to the cite of Nahor.