Galatians 5:13-18

Coverdale(i) 13 But brethre, ye are called vnto liberty, onely let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesh, but by loue serue one another. 14 For all the lawe is fulfylled in one worde, namely in this: loue thy neghboure as thy selfe. 15 But yf ye byte and deuoure one another, take hede, that ye be not consumed one of another. 16 I saye: Walke in the sprete, and so shal ye not fulfill the lustes off the flesshe. 17 For the flesh lusteth agaynst the sprete, and the sprete agaynst the flesh. These are contrary one to the other, so that ye can not do that which ye wolde: 18 But and yf ye be led of the sprete, then are ye not vnder the lawe.