21 Wha Moses now stretched forth his hade ouer ye see, the LORDE caused it to passe awaye thorow a mightie eastwynde all that night, and made the see drye, and ye water deuyded it self a sunder.
22 And the children of Israel wente in thorow the middest of ye see vpon the drye grounde: and ye water was vnto them as a wall, vpon their right hande & vpo their lefte.
23 And ye Egipcias folowed, & wente in after the, all Pharaos horses, & charettes, & horsme, eue in to ye middest of ye see.
24 Now whan the mornynge watch came, the LORDE loked vpo the armies of the Egipcians out the piler of fire and ye cloude, & troubled their armies,
25 and smote the wheles from their charettes, & ouerthrew them wt a storme. Then sayde the Egipcians: Let vs flye from Israel, the LORDE fighteth for the agaynst the Egipcians.
26 But ye LORDE saide vnto Moses: Stretch out thyne hande ouer the see, that ye water maye come agayne vpon the Egipcians, vpon their charettes, and horsmen.
27 Then Moses stretched out his hande ouer the see, and the see came agayne before daye in his course and strength, and the Egipcians fled agaynst it. Thus the LORDE ouerthrew them in the myddest of the see,