13 And the LORDE saide vnto me: I se this people, that it is a styffnecked people:
14 let me alone, that I maye destroye them, and put out their name from vnder heaue. I wyl make of the a people mightier and greater the this is.
15 And as I turned me, & wente downe fro the mount which brent wt fyre, & had ye two tables of the couenaunt in both my hades,
16 I loked, & beholde, ye had synned agaynst ye LORDE yor God, so yt ye had made you a molten calfe, & were soone turned out of ye waie which the LORDE had commaunded you.
17 Then toke I the two tables, & cast them out of both my handes, & brake the before youre eyes,
18 & I fell before the LORDE (euen as at the first tyme) fortye dayes & fortye nightes, & nether ate bred, ner drake water, because of all youre synnes which ye had synned, whan ye dyd soch euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath.
19 For I was afrayed of the wrath and indignacion, wherwith the LORDE was angrie wt you, euen to haue destroyed you. And the LORDE herde me at that tyme also.
20 Morouer the LORDE was very angrie wt Aaron, so that he wolde haue destroyed him, but I made intercession for Aaron also at ye same tyme.