13 Furthermore, the Lorde spake vnto me, saying: I haue seene this people, and beholde it is a stifnecked people
14 Let me alone, that I may destroy them, & put out the name of them from vnder heauen, and I wyll make of thee a mightie nation, & greater then they be
15 And I turned me, and came downe from the hyll, euen from the hyll that burnt with fire, and the two tables of the couenaunt were in my handes
16 And I loked, and beholde ye had sinned against the Lorde your God, and had made you a moulten calfe, and had turned at once out of the way whiche the Lorde had commaunded you
17 And I toke the two tables, and cast them out of my two handes, and brake them before your eyes
18 And I fell downe flat before the Lord euen as at the first time, & fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes I did neither eate bread nor drinke water, because of all your sinnes which ye sinned, in doyng wyckedly in the sight of the Lorde in that ye prouoked hym vnto wrath
19 (For I was afrayde, that for the wrath and fiercenes wherwith the Lord was moued agaynst you, he would haue destroyed you) But the Lorde heard me at that tyme also
20 The Lorde was very angry with Aaron also, euen to haue destroyed hym: and I made intercession for Aaron also the same tyme