Deuteronomy 27:14-26

Coverdale(i) 14 And the Leuites shal begynne, and saye vnto euery man of Israel, wt a loude voyce: 15 Cursed be he, that maketh eny carued Idoll or molten ymage (an abhominacion of the LORDE, a worke of the handes of ye craftesman) and putteth it in a secrete place. And all the people shal answere and saye, Amen. 16 Cursed be he, that curseth his father and mother. And all the people shall saye, Amen. 17 Cursed be he, yt remoueth his neghbours mark. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 18 Cursed be he, that maketh a blynde man go out of his waye. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 19 Cursed be he, that wresteth ye righte of ye straunger, of the fatherlesse, & wedowe. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 20 Cursed be he, that lyeth with his fathers wife, to vncouer his fathers couerynge. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 21 Cursed be he, yt lyeth wt eny maner beest. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 22 Cursed be he, yt lyeth wt his sister, which is the doughter of his father or of his mother. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 23 Cursed be he, yt lyeth with his mother in lawe. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 24 Cursed be he that slayeth his neghboure secretly. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 25 Cursed be he, that receaueth giftes to slaye the soule of innocent bloude. And all the people shal saye, Amen. 26 Cursed be he, that contynueth not in all ye wordes of this lawe, to do them. And all ye people shal saye, Amen.