Daniel 4:30-33

Coverdale(i) 30 and sayde: This is the greate cite off Babilo, which I myself (with my power & strength) haue made a kynges courte, for the honoure off my magesty. 31 Whyle these wordes were yet in the kynges mouth, there fell a voyce from heaue, sayengt: O kinge Nabuchodonosor, to the be it spoke: Thy kyngdome shall departe from the, 32 thou shalt be cast out of mens company: thy dwellinge shalbe with the beestes off the felde, so that thou shalt eate grasse like as an oxe, till seuen yeares be come and gone ouer the: euen vntill thou knowest, that the hyest hath power vpon the kyngdomes off men, and that he maye geue them, vnto whom it pleaseth him. 33 The very same houre was this matter fulfylled vpo Nabuchodonosor: so that he was cast out off mes copany, & ate grasse like an oxe. His body was wet with the dew of heauen, till his hayres were as greate as Aegles fethers, and his nales like byrdes clawes.