Daniel 4:30-33

Bishops(i) 30 And the king spake, & sayd: Is not this great Babylon that I haue buylt for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power, and for the honour of my maiestie 31 Whyle these wordes were yet in the kinges mouth, there fell a voyce from heauen, saying: O king Nabuchodonozor, to thee be it spoken, Thy kingdome is departed from thee 32 And thou shalt be cast out of mens companie, thy dwelling shalbe with the beastes of the fielde: so that thou shalt eate grasse like oxen, and seuen times shal passe ouer thee, vntil thou knowest that the hyghest hath power vpon the kingdome of men, and geueth it vnto whom it pleaseth hym 33 The very same houre was this matter fulfilled vpon Nabuchodonozor, so that he was cast out of mens companie, & did eate grasse like oxen, and his body was wet with the deawe of heauen, till his heeres were growen as Egles [fethers] and his nayles like byrdes clawes