2 Chronicles 23:16-21

Coverdale(i) 16 And Ioiada made a couenaunt betwene him and all the people, and the kynge, yt they shulde be the people of the LORDE. 17 The wete all the people in to the house of Baal, and destroyed it, & brake downe his altares & ymages, & slewe Mathan the prest of Baal before the altare. 18 And Ioiada appoynted ye officers in the house of the LORDE amoge the prestes & Leuites whom Dauid had ordeyned for ye house of the LORDE, to offre burntsacrifices vnto ye LORDE, as it is wrytten in the lawe of Moses: wt ioye & songes made by Dauid. 19 And ye porters set he at ye gates of ye house of ye LORDE, yt none shulde entre, which were defiled wt eny maner of thinge. 20 And he toke the captaynes ouer hudreds and the mightie men and lordes of ye people, and all the people of the londe, and brought the kinge downe from the house of the LORDE, and broughte him thorow the hye porte of the kynges house, and caused the kinge sit vpon the seate royall. 21 And all the people of the lode were glad, and the cite was at rest. But Athalia was slayne with the swerde.