1 Corinthians 14:26-32

Coverdale(i) 26 How is it then brethren? Whan ye come together, euery one hath a psalme, hath doctryne, hath a tunge, hath a reuelacion, hath an interpretacion. Let all be done to edifyenge. 27 Yf eny ma speake with tunges, let him do it him selfe beynge the seconde, or at the most him selfe beynge ye thirde, and one after another, and let one interprete it. 28 But yf there be not an interpreter, then let him kepe sylence in the congregacion, howbeit let him speake to himselfe and to God. 29 As for the prophetes, let two or thre speake and let the other iudge. 30 But yf eny reuelacion be made vnto another that sytteth, then let the first holde his peace. 31 Ye maye all prophecye one after another that they all maye lerne, and that all maye haue comforte. 32 And the spretes of the prophetes are subiecte vnto the prophetes.