Psalms 106:13-32

CLV(i) 13 But they quickly forgot His deeds; They did not tarry for His counsel. 14 They lusted with yearning in the wilderness, And they tried El in the desolation." 15 So He gave them their request, And He sent sustenance for their soul." 16 They grew jealous of Moses in the camp, And of Aaron, the holy one of Yahweh." 17 The earth opened up and swallowed Dathan, And it covered over the congregation of Abiram." 18 Fire consumed in their congregation; A blaze set the wicked aflame. 19 They made a calf at Horeb, And they bowed down to a molten image." 20 They changed His glory Into the model of a bull calf that feeds on herbage. 21 They forgot the El Who was saving them, Who was doing great deeds in Egypt, 22 Marvelous works in the country of Ham, Fear inspiring deeds by the Sea of Weeds." 23 He said that He would exterminate them, Except that Moses, His chosen one, Stood in the breach before Him, To turn back His fury from bringing ruin on them." 24 Then they rejected the coveted land; They did not believe His word, 25 And they murmured in their tents; They did not hearken to the voice of Yahweh. 26 So He lifted His hand in swearing to them To cast them down in the wilderness, 27 And to scatter their seed among the nations, And to toss them away throughout the countries." 28 Yet they paired themselves with Baal-peor, And they ate sacrifices offered to dead idols." 29 They provoked Him to vexation with their actions, So that a stroke breached forth among them." 30 But Phinehas stood up and mediated, And the stroke was restrained." 31 This was reckoned to him for righteousness For generation after generation for the eon. 32 They prompted wrath at the waters of Meribah, And it was evil for Moses for their sake"