12 Now I am intending you to know, brethren, that my affairs have rather come to be for the progress of the evangel,
13 so that my bonds in Christ become apparent in the whole pretorium and to all the rest,
14 and the majority of the brethren, having confidence in the Lord as to my bonds, are more exceedingly daring to speak the word of God fearlessly."
15 Some, indeed, are even heralding Christ because of envy and strife, yet some because of delight also;"
16 these, indeed, of love, having perceived that I am located for the defense of the evangel,
17 yet those are announcing Christ out of faction, not purely, surmising to rouse affliction in my bonds."
18 What then? - Morever, seeing that, by every method, whether in pretense or truth, Christ is being announced, I am rejoicing in this also, and will be rejoicing nevertheless."