Mark 6:46-52

CLV(i) 46 And, taking leave of them, He came away into the mountain to pray." 47 And evening coming on, the ship was in the middle of the sea, and He was alone on the land." 48 And perceiving them tormented in rowing, for the wind was contrary to them, about the fourth watch of the night He is coming toward them, walking on the sea. And He wanted to pass them by." 49 Yet those who are perceiving Him walking on the sea suppose that He is a phantom, and they cry out, 50 for they all perceive Him and were disturbed. Yet straightway He speaks with them and is saying to them, "Courage! It is I! Do not fear." 51 And He stepped up to them, into the ship, and the wind flags. And they are amazed to the very excess, among themselves, and marveled." 52 For they do not understand as to the bread, but their heart was calloused."