18 Domestics may do it by being subject to your owners, with all fear, not only to the good and lenient, but to the crooked also;"
19 for this is grace, if, because of consciousness of God, anyone is undergoing sorrows, suffering unjustly."
20 For what credit is it if, sinning and being buffeted, you will be enduring it? But if, doing good and suffering, you will be enduring, this is grace with God."
21 For this were you called, seeing that Christ also suffered for your sakes, leaving you a copy, that you should be following up in the footprints of Him"
22 Who does no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth;"
23 Who, being reviled, reviled not again; suffering, threatened not, yet gave it over to Him Who is judging justly,
24 Who Himself carries up our sins in His body on to the pole, that, coming away from sins, we should be living for righteousness; by Whose welt you were healed."
25 For you were as straying sheep, but now you turned back to the Shepherd and Supervisor of your souls."