Sirach 22

Bishops(i) 1 A slouthfull bodye is moulded of a stone of claye, and euery man wyll speake to his disprayse. 2 A slouthfull body is made of the doung of oxen, and euery one that toucheth him must wasshe his handes againe. 3 A misnurtured sonne, is the dishonour of the father: a foolishe daughter shalbe litle regarded. 4 A wyse daughter is an heritage vnto her husband: but she that cometh to dishonestie, bringeth her father in heauinesse. 5 A daughter that is past shame, dishonoureth both her father and her husband: the vngodly shall regarde her, but they both shall despise her. 6 A tale out of time, is as musicke in mourning: but wysdome knoweth the seasons of correction and doctrine. 7 If children lyue honestly and haue wherewithall, they shall put away the shame of their parentes: 8 But if children be proude with hautines and foolishnes, they blot out the nobilitie of their kinred. 9 Who so teacheth a foole, is euen as one that gleweth a potsharde together, as one that telleth a tale to him that heareth him not, and as one that rayseth a man out of an heauy sleepe. 10 Who so telleth a foole of wysdome, is euen as a man which speaketh to one that is a sleepe: when he hath tolde his tale, he saith, What is the matter? 11 When one dyeth, lamentation is made for him, because the light fayleth him: euen so, let men mourne ouer a foole, for he wanteth vnderstanding. Make but litle weeping because of the dead, for he is come to rest: but the lyfe of the foole is worse then the death. 12 Seuen dayes do men mourne for him that is dead: but the lamentation ouer the vnwyse and vngodly should endure all the dayes of their lyfe. 13 Talke not much with a foole, and go not with him that hath no vnderstanding: beware of him, lest it turne thee to trauaile, and thou shalt not be defiled with his sinne. Depart from him, and thou shalt finde rest, and shalt not be drawen backe into his foolishnes. 14 What is heauier then leade? and what shoulde a foole be called els but leade? 15 Sande, salte, and a lumpe of iron is easier to beare, then an vnwyse, foolishe, and vngodly man. 16 Lyke as the bande of wood bounde together in the foundation of the house can not be loosed: euen so is it with the heart that is stablished in the thought of counsell. The thought of the wyse shall neuer feare, nor be offended at any time. 17 Lyke as a faire plastered wall in a winter house and a hye building may not abide the winde and storme: euen so is a fooles heart afraide in his imagination, he feareth at euery thing, and can not endure. 18 A wauering heart in the imagination of a foole wyll not euer stande in awe: but he that abideth in the commaundementes of God, wyll alway feare. 19 He that nippeth a mans eye, bringeth foorth teares: and he that pricketh the heart, bringeth foorth the meaning and thought. 20 Who so casteth a stone at the birdes, frayeth them away: and he that blasphemeth his freend, breaketh frendship. 21 Though thou drewest a sworde at thy freend, yet dispaire not: for thou mayst come againe to thy freend. 22 If he speake sourely, feare not: for ye may be agreed together againe, except it be that thou blaspheme him, disdayne him, open his secretes, and wounde him trayterouslie: for all such thinges shall dryue away a freend. 23 Be faithfull vnto thy neighbour in his pouertie, that thou mayst reioyce with him also in his prosperitie: abyde stedfast vnto him in the time of his trouble, that thou maist be heyre with him in his heritage: for pouertie is not alwayes to be contempned, nor the riche that is foolish to be had in estimation. 24 Lyke as the vapour and smoke goeth out at the ouen before the fire: euen so euill wordes, rebukes, and threatninges go before bloodshedding. 25 Be not ashamed to defende thy freend, as for me I wyll not hide my face from him though he should do me harme: whosoeuer heareth it, shall beware of him. 26 Who shal set a watch before my mouth, and a sure seale vpon my lippes, that I fall not with them, and that my tongue destroy me not?