Sirach 22

Geneva(i) 1 A slouthfull man is like a filthie stone, which euery man mocketh at for his shame. 2 A slouthfull man is to be compared to the dongue of oxen, and euery one that taketh it vp, will shake it out of his hand. 3 An euill nurtured sonne is the dishonour of the father: & the daughter is least to be esteemed. 4 A wise daughter is an heritage vnto her husbande: but she that liueth dishonestly, is her fathers heauinesse. 5 She that is bolde, dishonoureth both her father and her husband, and is not inferiour to the vngodly, but they both shall despise her. 6 A tale out of time is as musike in mourning: but wisedome knoweth the seasons of correction and doctrine. 7 Who so teacheth a foole, is as one that gleweth a potsheard together, & as he that waketh one that sleepeth, from a sounde sleepe. 8 If children liue honestly, & haue wherewith, they shall put away the shame of their parents. 9 But if children be proude, with hautines and foolishnes they defile the nobilitie of their kinred. 10 Who so telleth a foole of wisedome, is as a man, which speaketh to one that is asleepe: when he hath told his tale, he saith, What is the matter? 11 Weepe for the dead, for he hath lost the light: so weepe for the foole, for he wanteth vnderstanding: make small weeping for the dead, for he is at rest: but the life of the foole is worse then the death. 12 Seuen dayes doe men mourne for him that is dead: but the lamentation for the foole, and vngodly shoulde endure all the dayes of their life. 13 Talke not much with a foole, and goe not to him that hath no vnderstanding: beware of him, least it turne thee to paine, and least thou be defiled when he shaketh him selfe. Depart from him, and thou shalt finde rest, and shalt not receiue sorowe by his foolishnesse. 14 What is heauier then leade? and what other name should a foole haue? 15 Sand and salte, and a lumpe of yron is easier to beare, then an vnwise, foolish and vngodly man. 16 As a frame of wood ioyned together in a building can not be loosed with shaking, so the heart that is stablished by aduised counsel, shal feare at no time. 17 The heart that is confirmed by discrete wisdome, is as a faire plaistring on a plaine wall. 18 As reedes that are set vp on hie, can not abide the winde, so the fearefull heart with foolish imagination can endure no feare. 19 He that hurteth the eye, bringeth foorth teares, and he that hurteth the heart, bringeth forth the affection. 20 Who so casteth a stone at the birdes, frayeth them away: and he that vpbraydeth his friende, breaketh friendship. 21 Though thou drewest a sword at thy friend, yet despaire not: for there may be a returning to fauour. 22 If thou haue opened thy mouth against thy friende, feare not: for there may be a reconciliation, so that vpbrayding or pride or disclosing of secrets or a traiterous wounde doe not let: for by these things euery friend will depart. 23 Be faithfull vnto thy friend in his pouertie, that thou mayest reioyce in his prosperitie. Abide stedfast vnto him in the time of his trouble, that thou mayest be heire with him in his heritage: for pouertie is not alwayes to be contemned, nor the rich that is foolish, to be had in admiration. 24 As the vapour and smoke of the chimney goeth before the fire, so euill wordes, rebukes and threatnings goe before bloodsheading. 25 I will not be ashamed to defende a friende: neither will I hide my selfe from him, though he shoulde doe me harme: whosoeuer heareth it, shall beware of him. 26 Who shal set a watch before my mouth, & a seale of wisdom vpon my lips, that I fall not suddenly by them, & that my tongue destroy me not?