13 (107:12) And they cry vnto god in their trouble: who deliuereth the out of their distresse
14 (107:13) For he bringeth them out of darknesse and out of the shadowe of death: and breaketh their bondes in sunder
15 (107:14) O that men would confesse vnto God: his louing kindnes and his marueylous actes [done] to the chyldren of men
16 (107:15) For he breaketh the gates of brasse: & smyteth the barres of iron in sunder
17 (107:16) Foolish men are plagued for their mischeuous wayes: & for their wickednes
18 (107:17) Their soule abhorreth all maner of meate: and they be euen harde at deathes doore
19 (107:18) And they crye vnto God in their trouble: who deliuereth them out of their distresse