10 But I reioyce in the Lorde greatly, that nowe at the last you are reuiued againe to care for me, in ye wherin ye were also carefull, but ye lacked oportunitie
11 I speake not because of necessitie. For I haue learned, in whatsoeuer estate I am, therwith to be content
12 I knowe howe to be lowe, and I knowe howe to exceade. Euery where & in all thynges I am instructed, both to be ful, and to be hungry, both to haue plentie, and to suffer neede
13 I can do all thynges through Christe, which strengtheneth me
14 Notwithstandyng, ye haue well done yt ye dyd communicate to my afflictions
15 Ye Philippians knowe also, that in the begynnyng of the Gospell, when I departed fro Macedonia, no Church communicated to me, as concernyng geuyng and receauyng, but ye only
16 For euen in Thessalonica, ye sent once, & afterward agayne vnto my necessitie
17 Not that I desire a gyft, but I desire fruite aboundyng to your accompt