Philippians 4:10 Cross References - Bishops

10 But I reioyce in the Lorde greatly, that nowe at the last you are reuiued againe to care for me, in ye wherin ye were also carefull, but ye lacked oportunitie

Psalms 85:6

6 Wylt thou not turne agayne and reuiue vs: that thy people may reioyce in thee

Hosea 14:7

7 They that dwell vnder his shadowe, shall returne & growe vp as the corne, and florishe as the vine: he shall haue as good a name as the wine of Libanus

2 Corinthians 6:7

7 In the worde of trueth, in the power of God, by the armour of righteousnes, of the ryght hande and on the lefte

2 Corinthians 7:6-7

6 Neuerthelesse, God that comforteth the humble, comforted vs by the commyng of Titus 7 And not by his comming only, but also by the consolatio whiche we receaued of you, when he tolde vs your desire, your wepyng, your feruent mynde towarde me, so that I reioyced the more

2 Corinthians 11:9

9 And when I was present with you, and had nede, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lackyng vnto me, the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied, and in all thynges I haue kept my selfe so that I shoulde not be chargeable to any man, and [so] wyll I kepe my selfe

Galatians 6:6

6 Let hym that is taught in the word, minister vnto hym that teacheth hym, in all good thynges

Galatians 6:10

10 Whyle we haue therefore tyme, let vs do good vnto all men, specially vnto the which are of the housholde of fayth

Philippians 1:1

1 Paul & Timotheus the seruauntes of Iesus Christ: To all the saintes in Christ Iesus, whiche are at Philippos, with the bisshops & deacons

Philippians 1:3

3 I thanke my God, with all remembraunce of you

Philippians 2:30

30 Because, for the worke of Christe, he was nye vnto death, not regardyng his lyfe, to fulfyll your lacke of seruice towarde me

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.