13 When Iesus hearde of it, he departed thence in a shyp, vnto a desert place, out of the way: And when the people had hearde therof, they folowed hym on foote out of the cities
14 And Iesus went foorth, and sawe much people: and was moued with mercye towarde them, and he healed their sicke
15 And when the euen drewe on, his disciples came to hym, saying: this is a desert place, and the hour is nowe past, let the people depart, that they may go into the townes, and bye them vittels
16 But Iesus sayde vnto them: They haue no nede to go away, geue ye them to eate
17 They saye vnto hym: we haue here but fyue loaues, and two fisshes
18 He sayde: bryng them hyther to me
19 And he commaunded the people to sit downe on the grasse, and he toke the fyue loaues, and the two fisshes, and lift vp his eyes towarde heauen, & blessed: And when he had broken [them], he gaue the loaues to his disciples, and his disciples to the people
20 And they dyd all eate, and were suffised. And they gathered vp (of the fragmentes that remayned) twelue baskets full
21 And they that had eaten, were about fyue thousande men, besyde women and chyldren