Judith 10

Bishops(i) 1 And when she had left of crying vnto the lord, she rose vp from the place where she had lyen flat before the Lord, 2 And called her mayden Abra, went downe into her house, layed the heery cloth from her, put of the garmentes of her wydowhood, 3 Washed her body, annoynted her selfe with precious thinges of sweete sauour, broyded and platted her heere, set a coyffe vpon her head, and put on such apparell as belongeth vnto gladnesse, slippers vpon her feete, bracelettes, spanges, earynges, fynger rynges, and decked her selfe with all her best aray. 4 The Lorde gaue her also a speciall beautie and fairenesse: for all this decking of her selfe was not done for any voluptuousnesse, but of a ryght discretion and vertue, therefore did the Lorde encrease her beautie, so that she was exceeding amiable and welfauoured in all mens eyes. 5 She gaue her mayden Abra also a bottell of wine, a pot with oyle, pottage, cake bread and cheese: & went her way. 6 Nowe when they came to the porte of the citie, they founde Osias and the elders of the citie wayting there: 7 Which when they sawe her, they were astonied, and marueyled greatly at her beautie. 8 Neuerthelesse, they asked no question at her, but let her go, saying: The God of our fathers geue thee grace, and with his power perfourme all the deuice of thy heart, that Hierusalem may reioyce ouer thee, and that thy name may be in the number of the holy & righteous. 9 And all they that were there, saide with one voyce, So be it, so be it. 10 Iudith made her prayer vnto the Lorde, and went out at the porte, she and her mayde Abra. 11 And as she was going downe the mountayne, it happened that about the spryng of the day the spyes of the Assyrians met with her, and tooke her, saying: whence commest thou? or whyther goest thou? 12 She aunswered: I am a daughter of the Hebrues, and am fled from them: for I knowe that they shalbe geuen vnto you to be spoyled, because they thought scorne to yeelde them selues vnto you that they myght finde mercie in your sight. 13 Therefore haue I deuised by my selfe after this maner: I wyll go before the prince Holophernes and tell him all their secretes, and wyll shewe him how he may come by them, and winne them: so that not one man of his hoast shall perishe. 14 And when these men had heard her wordes, and considered her faire face, they were astonied (for they wondred at her excellent beautie) 15 And saide vnto her: Thou hast saued thy lyfe by findinge out this deuice, that thou wouldest come downe to our lorde. 16 And be thou sure that when thou commest vnto him, he shall entreate thee well, and thou shalt please him at the heart. So they brought her in to Holophernes pauilion, and tolde him of her. 17 Nowe when she came in before him, immediately he was ouercome and taken with her beautie. 18 Then said his seruauntes: who would despise the people of the Iewes that haue so faire women? should we not by reason fight against them for these? 19 So when Iudith sawe Holophernes sitting in a canapie that was wrought of purple silke, golde, smaragde, and precious stones, 20 She looked fast vpon him, bowed her selfe, and fel downe vpon the earth: And Holophernes seruauntes tooke her vp agayne at their lordes commaundement.