John 5:17-23

Bishops(i) 17 And Iesus aunswered them: My father worketh hitherto, and I worke 18 Therfore the Iewes sought the more to kyll him, not only because he had broken the Sabboth, but sayde also, that God was his father, and made himselfe equall with God 19 Then aunswered Iesus, & sayde vnto them: Ueryly veryly I say vnto you, the sonne can do nothyng of hym selfe, but that he seeth ye father do: For whatsoeuer he doeth, that doeth the sonne also 20 For the father loueth the sonne, and sheweth hym all thynges that he hym selfe doeth: And he wyll shewe hym greater workes then these, because ye shoulde marueyle 21 For lykewyse as the father rayseth vp the dead, and quickeneth them: euen so, the sonne quickeneth whom he wyll 22 Neither iudgeth the father any man: but hath committed all iudgement vnto the sonne 23 Because that all men shoulde honour the sonne, euen as they honour the father. He that honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not ye father which hath sent hym