Job 27:13-23

Bishops(i) 13 Saying: This is the portion that the wicked haue of God, and the heritage that tyrauntes shall receaue of the almightie 14 If he get many children, they shall perishe with the sworde, and his posteritie shall haue scarcenesse of bread 15 His remnaunt shalbe buried in death, and his widowes shall not weepe 16 Though he heape vp siluer as the dust, and prepare rayment as the clay 17 He may well prepare it, but the godly shall put it on, and the innocent shall deale out the money 18 He buyldeth his house as the moth, & as a booth that the watchman maketh 19 When the riche man sleepeth, he shall not be gathered [to his fathers,] they opened their eyes, and he was gone 20 Terrour taketh holde vpon hym as a water fludde, and the tempest stealeth him away in the night season 21 A vehement east winde caryeth him hence, and he departeth: a storme hurleth him out of his place 22 God shal cast vpon him, and not spare, though he woulde fayne flee out of his hande 23 Then clap men their handes at hym, and hisse at him out of his place