Jeremiah 51:6-25

Bishops(i) 6 Flee away from Babylon, euery man saue his lyfe, that ye be not rooted out with her wickednesse: for the tyme of the Lordes vengeaunce is come, yea he shall rewarde her agayne 7 Babylon hath ben in the Lordes hande a golden cuppe, that maketh all landes drunken: of her wine haue all people drunken, therfore are they out of their wittes 8 But sodaynly is Babylon fallen and destroyed: mourne for her, bryng plasters for her woundes, yf she may peraduenture be healed agayne 9 We woulde haue made Babylon whole say they, but she is not recouered, therfore wyll we let her alone, and go euery man into his owne countrey: for her iudgement is come into heauen, and is gone vp to the cloudes 10 The Lorde hath brought foorth our righteousnesse: and therfore come on, we wyll shewe in Sion the worke of the Lorde our God 11 Make sharpe the arrowes, and multiplie your shieldes: for the Lorde shall rayse vp the spirite of the kyng of the Medes, which hath alredy a desire to destroy Babylon: this shalbe the vengeaunce of the Lorde, & the vengeaunce of his temple 12 Set vp tokens vpon the walles of Babylon, make your watch strong, set your watchmen in araye, yea holde priuie watches, and yet for all that shall the Lorde go foorth with his deuice which he hath taken vpon them that dwell in Babylon 13 O thou that dwellest by the great waters, O thou that hast so great treasure and riches, thine ende is come, and the reckenyng of thy wynnynges 14 The Lorde of hoastes hath sworne by hym selfe, that he wyll ouerwhelme thee with men lyke grashoppers in number, whiche with a courage shall crye alarum alarum agaynst thee 15 Yea euen the Lorde of hoastes that with his power made the earth, with his wisdome prepared the round world, and with his discretion spread out the heauens 16 Assoone as he letteth his voyce be hearde, the waters in the ayre waxe fierce: he draweth vp the cloudes from the endes of the earth, he turneth the lightnynges to rayne, he bryngeth the wyndes out of their secrete places 17 [If they be esteemed] by their wisdome, all men are become fooles: confounded be all the casters of images, for the thing that they make, is but deceipt, and hath no breath 18 Uayne is it and an erronious worke, and in the tyme of visitation it shall perishe 19 The portion of Iacob is none such: but he that made all thinges whose name is the Lorde of hoastes, he is the rodde of his enheritaunce 20 Thou hast ben mine hammer and weapons for warre: for with thee haue I broken the people in peeces, and with thee haue I destroyed kyngdomes 21 Through thee I haue beaten to powder horse and horsemen, yea the charrettes and such as sate vpon them 22 Through thee I haue broken man and woman, olde and young, bacheler and mayden 23 Through thee I haue destroyed the sheepheard and his flocke, the husbandman and his cattell, the princes and the rulers 24 Therfore wyll I rewarde the citie of Babylon, and all the inhabitauntes of Chaldea, with all the euyll which they haue done vnto Sion, yea that ye your selues shall see it, saith the Lorde 25 Beholde I come vpon thee thou noysome hyll saith the Lorde, thou that destroyest all landes, I wyll stretch out my hand ouer thee, and cast thee downe from the stony rockes, and wyll make thee a burnt hyll