2 Euen they that walke to go downe into Egypt, and haue asked no question at my mouth, but seeke strength in the might of Pharao, and trust in the shadowe of Egypt
3 Therefore shall the strength of Pharao be your confusion, and the trust in the shadowe of Egypt your shame
4 For his captaynes were at Zoan, and his embassadours came vnto Hanes
5 They were ashamed of the people that coulde do them no good, and that might not helpe them nor shewe them any profit, but were their confusion and rebuke
6 The burthen of the beastes of the south. In a land of trouble & anguishe, from whence shall come the young and olde lion, the viper and firie serpent that fleeth against them that vpon coltes beare their riches, and vpon camels their treasures, to a people that can do them no good
7 For vayne and nothing worth shall the helpe of the Egyptians be: Therefore haue I cryed vnto Hierusalem, they shall haue strength inough if they wyll settle their mindes in quietnesse