1 Ye are the childre of the Lord your God: Ye shall not cut your selues, nor make you any baldnes betwene your eyes for ye dead man
2 For thou art an holye people vnto the Lorde thy God, and the Lorde hath chosen thee to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe, aboue all the nations that are vpon the earth
3 Thou shalt eate no maner of abhomination
4 These are the beastes which ye shall eate of, Oxen, Sheepe, and Goates
5 Roe, Bucke, and Bugle, wilde Goate, Unicorne, wylde Oxen and Camoise
6 And all beastes that cleaue the hoofe, and cleaueth the clift into two clawes, and chewe the cud, them ye shall eate
7 Neuerthelesse, these ye shall not eate of them that chewe cud & of them that deuide and cleaue the hoofe only, the Camel, the Hare, and the Conie: for they chewe the cud, but deuide not the hoofe: therfore they are vncleane vnto you
8 And also the Swine, though he deuide the hoofe, yet he cheweth not cud, therefore is he vncleane vnto you: ye shall not eate of the fleshe of suche, nor touche the dead carkasse of them
9 These ye shall eate of all that are in the waters: All that haue finnes and scales shall ye eate
10 And whatsoeuer hath not finnes and scales, of that ye may not eate, but it is vncleane vnto you
11 Of all cleane byrdes ye shall eate
12 But these are they of whiche ye shall not eate: the Egle, the Goshauke, and the Ospray
13 The Glede, the Kite, and the Uulture after their kinde
14 And all kinde of Rauens
15 The Estritch, the Nightcrowe, the Cockowe, and the Sparowehauke after their kinde
16 The litle Owle, the great Owle, nor the Redshanke
17 The Pellicane, the Swanne, nor the Cormorant
18 The Storke, the Heron in his kinde, the Lapwing, the Backe
19 And let euery creeping thing that fleeth, be vncleane vnto you, and not be eaten of
20 But of all cleane foules ye may eate
21 Ye shall eate of nothyng that dyeth alone: But thou shalt geue it vnto the straunger that is in thy citie, that he eate it, or thou mayest sell it vnto a straunger: For thou art an holy people vnto the Lorde thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mothers milke