15 Then these men assembled vnto the king, and said vnto him: Knowe this O king, that the lawe of the Medes & Perses [is] that the commaundement & statute which the king maketh, may not be altered
16 Then the king commaunded, and they brought Daniel, and they cast him into the lions denne. Nowe the king spake vnto Daniel, & saide: Thy God whom thou alway seruest, euen he wyll deliuer thee
17 And there was brought a stone, & laide vpon ye mouth of the denne, this the king sealed with his owne ring and with the signet of his princes, that the purpose concerning Daniel should not be chaunged
18 So the king went into his palace, and remayned fasting, neither was there any instrumentes of musicke brought in before him, & his sleepe went from him
19 But betimes in the morning at the breake of the day, the king arose, & went in all haste vnto the denne of the lions
20 Now as he came nye vnto the denne, he cryed with a pitious voyce vnto Daniel, yea the king spake and saide vnto Daniel: O Daniel, thou seruaut of the liuing God, is not thy God whom thou seruest alway, able to deliuer thee from ye lions
21 Then Daniel saide vnto the king: O king, liue for euer
22 My God hath sent his angel, which hath shut the lions mouthes, so that they might not hurt me, for myne vngiltinesse is founde out before him: and as for thee O king, I neuer offended thee
23 Then was the king exceeding glad for him, & commaunded to take Daniel out of the denne: So Daniel was brought out of ye denne, & no maner of hurt was founde vpon him, for he put his trust in his God
24 And as for those men which had accused Daniel, the king commaunded to bring them, & to cast them into the lions denne, them, their children, & their wyues: so the lions had the maisterie of them, and brake all their bones asunder or euer they came at the grounde of the denne
25 After this, wrote king Darius vnto al people, nations, & tongues that dwelt in all landes: Peace be multiplied vnto you
26 My commaundement is in all my dominion and kingdome, that men feare and stand in awe of Daniels God: for he is the liuing God which abideth euer, his kindgome shall not fayle, and his power is euerlasting
27 It is he that deliuereth and saueth, he doth wonders and marueylous workes in heauen and in earth, he hath preserued Daniel from the power of the lions