Daniel 6:15-27

Matthew(i) 15 These men perceyuinge the kinges mind sayde vnto him: knowe thys (O Kinge) that the lawe of the Medes and Perses is, that the commaundement & statute, whiche the kinge maketh, may not be altered. 16 Then the kynge had them bringe Daniel, and they caste hym into the Lyons denne. The kynge also spake vnto Daniel, & sayde: thy God, whom thou alwaye seruest, euen he shall defende the. 17 And there was broughte a stone, & layed vpon the hole of the denne: this the kinge sealed with his owne ringe, & wyth the signet of his prynces: that the kinges commaundemente concerninge Daniel, shoulde not be broken. 18 So the kinge wente into his palace, & kepte him sober al night, so that there was no table spred before him, neyther coulde he take any slepe. 19 But by tymes in the morninge at the breake of the day, the kinge arose, and wente in all haste vnto the denne of the Lyons. 20 Now as he came nye vnto the denne, he cried with a pyteous voyce vnto Daniell: yea the Kinge spake, and sayde vnto Daniel: O Daniel, thou seruaunt of the lyuynge God, is not thy God (whom thou alwaye seruest) able to deliuer the from the Lyons? 21 Daniel sayde vnto the Kinge: O King, God saue thy lyfe for euer. 22 My God hath sent his aungell whiche hath shut the lyons mouthes, so that they might not hurte me. For why? myne vngiltinesse is founde oute before him. And as for the, O Kinge, I neuer offended the. 23 Then was the kinge exceadinge glad, and commaunded to take Daniel out of the denne. So Daniel was broughte oute of the denne, and no maner of hurte was found vpon him. For he put his trust in his God. 24 And as for those men which had accused Daniel, the king commaunded to bringe them, and to cast them in the lyons denne: them, their children and their wiues. So the Lyons had the maystry of them, and brake all their bones a sonder, or euer they came at the grounde. 25 After thys, wrote the Kinge Darius vnto all people kinreddes, and tunges, that dwelt in al landes: peace be multiplyed wt you. 26 My commaundement is, in al my dominion & kingedome, that men feare and stande in awe of Daniels God. For he is the liuinge God, whiche abydeth euer: his kingedome shall not fayle, and hys power is euerlasting. 27 It is he that delyuereth and saueth: he doeth wonders & maruelous worckes, in heauen and in earth: he hath preserued Daniel from the power of the Lyons.